So things have been pretty busy lately. As christmas is slowly approaching, so is the end of the semester....which means FINALS!! Haven't really had time to update, so I'll try to make this relatively quick. This is some work from my bfa class. It is based on the the story
The Magic Chalk, by japanese author, Kobo Abe. It's about a broke/starving artist who finds a piece of chalk. Anything he draws with that chalk comes to life. It's an interesting story because the character, Argon, becomes so immersed in this chalk and his work, that he ends up trying to create a whole other world. It's kinda similar to the creation of Adam and Eve...pretty cool.
This is the character, Argon, from the story
The Magic Chalk. Definitely have to paint it over again. I'm actually considering using one of the other poses to render.
This is his house/studio(the small, triangular one), which is set in San Francisco in the early 1950's.

These are still a it should keep me busy over the winter break. Enjoy!